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Position Yourself for a Blessing
By Victoria Osteen - Aug 12, 2016

All through scripture, we read that God wants to bless us. Not only does He want to bless us, He has a way to bless us. He has a system set in place so that when we do things His way, we get His results!

The Bible says that His ways are higher than our ways. So many times, we try to figure things out in our natural thinking. We try to come up with a plan and look for ways to get the things we need and desire. But in God's system, the plan for blessing is already established. All we have to do is position ourselves by following His commands. When we honor His Word by giving our tithes and offerings, we are positioning ourselves under the open window of heaven. That's what it says in Malachi 3:10 that when you "bring your whole tithe into the storehouse, I (God) will open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings you can't contain." When you live a lifestyle of giving—giving of your time, your talents and resources to bless others in His name, you are living a lifestyle of blessing! When you live to give, God will make sure that every need you have is met in abundance to His glory. 

Today, if you've never stepped out in the area of giving, ask God to show you one way to be a blessing to someone. Ask Him what He wants you to give today. Scripture says to try Him. Prove Him. That means to take a step of faith and let God show you His faithfulness! Honor Him and put Him first in your life, and He will honor you. Remember, you can't out give God. When you become a giver and a tither, you can wake up every morning and say, "I am positioned for a blessing!"

"Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything. The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." (Proverbs 11:24-25, NLT)

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