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Put Them on Your Love List
By Victoria Osteen - Dec 05, 2017
I was thinking the other day about how amazing God's love for us is. The truth is that God has freely given us His grace, forgiving and covering all our failures and all our mistakes. No matter how many times we fail and mess up, God will never give up on us. He's always going to love us, and His love will never run out. What a beautiful position to be in, to know the love of God, such a secure position to be in!

But God hasn't poured His goodness and grace into our lives just so we can enjoy it and say, "Oh, this is so wonderful!" As one who had richly experienced the love of Jesus, the apostle John says, "Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another" (1 John 4:11). The same unfailing love that He has given us is for everyone who is around us. It's for our spouse and children, our relatives and friends, our neighbors and coworkers. He blesses us so that we can spread the blessing! It's called being "the hands and feet of Jesus." 

I'd like you to think about your own family for a minute. You probably have a to-do list, and much of what's on that list revolves around them, and that's good. But I want to make sure you put them on your love list. It's so easy to forget, especially as the years go by, that our spouse and children are gifts whom God has given to us. We're not just supposed to do things for them, we're supposed to celebrate them, enjoy them, and love them every single day.

God has empowered each of us through His love, His grace, and His mercy to set the tone of love within our families. It's up to us to stir up the love, to make them know that they are secure in our love, to tell them we love being a part of their lives and are proud of them, and to be our very best for them. We love because we have God's love to give.

Who's on your love list? Let them know!
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