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Loved Unconditionally
By Victoria Osteen - Feb 19, 2019
I’m so grateful today that God loves us just the way we are. He doesn’t wait until we’re perfect to call us, until we get ourselves looking good enough, until we somehow measure up to what we think we should be in His sight. God calls each of us just the way we are right at this moment. He calls us from a divine place of unconditional love and commitment to us.

Can you imagine how freeing it would be to live your life if you knew that everyone loved you and you never had to be good enough for them or get their approval? It would be so freeing to let go of the pressure to perform and constantly measure up to others’ expectations and demands. You would be free to live out of a place of abundance, a vast place of acceptance, and not out of judgment and condemnation.

That is the freedom you can live in when you know that God loves you unconditionally. You can get up in the morning and truly say, “God, I’m not going to condemn myself because I know that You’re not condemning me. I believe that You love me with an everlasting love. I’m going to go out and be my very best today, honoring You, knowing that I’m not perfect, but You are. I believe that there’s nothing You can’t do through me.” When we live our lives like that, we’ll be steady, we’ll be strong, we’ll live an abundant, flourishing life.

Unfortunately, sometimes we fall into the thinking that God loves us according to our performance. We’re prone to think, “God, when I do right, You love me. When I miss the mark, You get mad at me.” But that is not true. Actually, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The Scripture says God loves us unconditionally: “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1). If you’re basing God’s love on your actions, that’s conditional. But God so loved the world that He gave His only Son for us…unconditionally. You can’t work for God’s love; you can only believe and receive it.

You have to build your life and live your life on this foundation of God’s unconditional love, approval and forgiveness—all that God freely provided for you on the cross. He accepted you; He forgave you; He approved you. When you live under the umbrella of God’s grace, guess what? You not only will improve your life, but you will have so much love in your life that you’ll begin to give it away!
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