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Your Best Day
By Joel Osteen - Oct 13, 2023

A pastor friend went to visit a young mother in the hospital who had cancer and hadn’t been expected to live through the night. He took her frail hand, told her that he loved her and that he was praying for her. She smiled and said in a faint voice, “Pastor, this is the best day of my life.” He was puzzled, thinking it didn’t seem like a very good day for her at all. She continued in a whisper, “You see, I didn’t know if I would wake up this morning. Now God has blessed me with another day to see my children and spend with my family. And if I make it through today, I’m going to gaze at the stars and enjoy the moonlight tonight.”

The Scripture says, “Our life is like a vapor. We’re here for a minute, and then we’re gone.” This mother understood that verse. She understood how valuable each day is. It’s easy to take every day for granted, to just get up, go through the motions, and the day is gone. But if you have a new perspective and start seeing every day as your best day, you won’t let the little things upset you. You’ll take time to enjoy the people whom God has given you to love. You’ll stop by and say hello to the neighbor who’s lonely. You’ll live more grateful and happier. You’ll make the most of each day.

When we wake up in the morning, we get to choose how we’re going to live that day. We can choose to live in faith, happy, expecting favor. Or we can choose to live discouraged, defeated, focused on our problems. Happiness doesn’t happen automatically; it’s a choice we have to make, just as David made and declared when he was in the middle of all kinds of opposition: “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). If he was reporting on his circumstances, he would have said, “The Lord made this day, but I have so many problems.” Instead, David made a declaration of faith: “Despite the enemy opposition, despite people lying about me, despite my family not believing in me, I’m going to live this day happy.”

If you’re going to be happy, you have to be happy on purpose, because there will be betrayals, delays, and all kinds of things that can cause you to live sour. You have to decide that you won’t let other people or problems steal your joy. Know that your will is more powerful than how you feel. You have to decide first, then happiness will come. You control your happiness. It’s not up to anyone else. You’re as happy as you want to be. Make every day your best day.

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