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3-Minute Mornings

The key to a better, greater day is just three minutes away.

Can you imagine changing the course of your day in only three minutes? Scripture promises that His mercies are new every morning. When you wake up, or before you leave the house, take three minutes to declare God's favor and freedom over your life. We encourage you to get a second copy of 3-Minute Mornings to bless a friend or family member.

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Skillful Listening

Today's Word: MAY 18, 2024

As believers, the Holy Spirit lives inside each one of us. He’s called our helper, our counselor, our guide. The more sensitive we are to His whispers, what we’re feeling, the inner promptings, the nudging, the further we’re going to go. This is something we have to learn so strongly, to not go against what we’re feeling inside. We have to trust that the Holy Spirit is directing us. That’s where God speaks to you. No matter how good the opportunity looks, no matter how impressive the person seems, if you don’t have peace about situations that involve them, don’t move forward. Or just the opposite. A situation may seem impossible, the odds are against you, and all the circumstances say it’s not going to happen, but if you have an inner peace, that sense of knowing that the Spirit gives, take that step of faith. When you develop this skill of listening to the whisper, following that still small voice, God will not only take you further, but He’ll protect you from things that would have caused you heartache and pain.



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