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Be a Barrier Breaker
By Joel Osteen - Aug 26, 2016

There was a young man in scripture named Hezekiah. He was raised in a very dysfunctional home. His father was Ahaz, King of Judah. He set up idols for the people to worship. He was a very hard king and cruel to the people. Because he didn't honor God, the nation went downhill and became very poor. Five different armies came against Judah, and they lost every battle. The place was decimated.

You would think Ahaz would learn his lesson, turn to God and ask for His help, but it was just the opposite. He closed the doors of the temple. He began to sell off sacred treasures. Hezekiah was raised in this environment of compromise, defeat and mediocrity. He could have turned out like his dad; he could have adapted to that environment. When Hezekiah became king, the first thing he did before repairing the roads, before getting the economy going, was reopened the temple. He turned the nation back toward God.

Hezekiah was a barrier breaker. His father chose to compromise and push people down, but Hezekiah's attitude was, "I may have been born into mediocrity, but I'm not settling here. I'm going to put an end to this generational curse, and I'm going to start a generational blessing."

Today, you may be in some kind of limited environment. If Hezekiah were here today he would tell you, "You don't have to stay there." The way you start is not as important as the way you finish. Do yourself and your family a favor: break out of the mold of the past. Don't pass negative things down to the next generation. You can be the one who makes a difference! You can be the one who sets your family on a course to honoring God; a course of blessing, favor and victory. I'm asking you to recondition your mind. Get rid of strongholds that are keeping you back.

You're not at risk; you're at possibility. Stir up your seeds of greatness. Be a barrier breaker. If you'll do this, I believe and declare God is going to breathe on your life in a new way. You're going to go beyond barriers of the past, overcome obstacles, accomplish dreams and become everything God created you to be!
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