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Fuel Your Faith
By Victoria Osteen - Oct 20, 2017

The story of Abraham and Sarah is the classic biblical story of hope and faith. When God spoke a promise to Abraham that he and Sarah would have a son, it birthed a promise in his heart. But Abraham was very old, and Sarah was far past the age of conceiving a child, and the promise seemed a complete impossibility.

So what did God do? Genesis 15:5 says, "Then He brought him outside and said, 'Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.' And He said to him, 'So shall your descendants be.'" God gave Abraham a beautiful visual to build his hope around. I can only imagine Abraham sitting on his lawn chair outside his tent staring up into the starry sky at night. (He didn't have a movie channel to watch.) He's remembering that promise, and those stars are talking to him. How many times did Abraham try to count the stars and use them to hold on to this hope? And the Bible says that Abraham "did not doubt or waver in unbelief concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and empowered by faith" (Romans 4:20). He could "hope on" against all natural hope because he didn't put that hope in himself. Night after night, he used this visual to keep his eyes fixed on Almighty God, and that hope fueled his faith to the point where Sarah had the strength to conceive Isaac.

Because of hope and faith, you can conceive the things that God wants you to bring forth in your life. Do you have a visual of hope that you can set up and see every day so your faith knows where to be directed and what to hold on to? For Abraham it was the stars, for Joseph it was a dream God gave him, and for my brother-in-law Kevin and sister-in-law Lisa, it was a pair of diapers that showed up in their mail one day. After years and years of trying to have a baby, the doctors had told them, "There's no hope. It's impossible." But when Kevin saw those diapers, he said to Lisa, "Let's put these in front of our eyes because we're going to have babies!" They kept feeding that hope against all hope, and the amazing day came when they were given the opportunity to adopt twin girls even though Lisa had never thought about adopting!

That promise God put in your heart—don't let that hope go. Get a visual for it and put it where you'll see it every day to help you hold on to that promise and fuel your faith. When God brings it to pass, it will be more than you can ask, think or imagine!

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