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New Mercy
By Victoria Osteen - Dec 30, 2014

As we approach the New Year, most people are filling their days reflecting, dreaming, and planning as countless resolutions are penned all over the world. It's a time to say goodbye to the old and hello to the new; a time for cleaning out the clutter of the past and making room for what God has in store for the future. But what I love most about New Year's Eve is the hope that is stirred with the idea that a fresh start—a new beginning—is just one sunrise away.

Do you know what else is just one sunrise away? Lamentations 3:23 tells us that God's mercy is available every single morning. Not just once a year, not just on special occasions, but His mercy is new with every sunrise. New mercy means that you haven't received it before. It's empowerment that you haven't experienced yet. It's greater levels of favor, grace and anointing to equip you to fulfill what He's called you to. Mercy doesn't just save us from punishment that we do deserve, it empowers us to receive blessing that we don't deserve!

Today I want to encourage you, as you write your resolutions, goals and dreams, meditate on the fact that God is a good God. He is with you and for you. His mercies are new every morning. Always remember, no matter what happens, no matter how many times you fall, He will empower you to get back up again. Any time you need a new beginning, simply call on His name. You don't have to wait for the New Year to have a new start with God! Because of the blood of Jesus, every day, you can receive His mercy, hope, love and forgiveness and be empowered to embrace the life of victory He has for you!

Happy New Year!

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