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No Filter Needed
By Victoria Osteen - Sep 20, 2016

The other day, I was scrolling through my social media feed and looking at all the amazing and fun photos posted by friends and family. Then I started thinking about all the ways we "enhance" our photos. We have filters and apps that add make-up, make us look thinner, taller or younger, and even apps that make us look like silly creatures. It's funny how culture has become so absorbed with the way we present ourselves. We make sure we only post the very best of the best.

The good news is that God doesn't need you to put a filter on your life. He doesn't need you to download an app that makes you look better. He doesn't just call us when we are perfect or when we have ourselves looking just right. His acceptance isn't based on our performance. He calls us and loves us just the way we are.

Today, live in the freedom that comes from knowing that God loves you unconditionally. Wake up with the attitude that says, "God, I know You're not condemning me. I know You love me with an everlasting love." Let that love build confidence and boldly go out and be all that He has created you to be! 

Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence…" (Hebrews 4:16, NIV)
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