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Overcoming Weariness
By Joel Osteen - Sep 23, 2016

As we go through life, one challenge we all have to face is weariness. It's easy to get tired in life. When you're weary, it means you've lost your sense of pleasure. You're not feeling the enjoyment that you should. You can be raising great children, but because you're weary, you're not enjoying them. You can have the job of your dreams. You worked hard to get it, but now weariness has set in, and you're not passionate about it anymore.

Sometimes, because a battle we are facing is taking longer than we thought, we become weary. I talked to a lady one time that was in town at MD Anderson, the Cancer Hospital, hoping this would be her last round of treatment. She found out that she had to take it for six more months. She was very disappointed. She said, "I don't think I can deal with this anymore." 

When the difficulty is lasting longer than expected, when you're working hard but not seeing increase, weariness will come. If the enemy can't take you out all at once, his next strategy is to try to wear you down. Many people are suffering from battle fatigue. They've been standing a long time, trying to break the addiction, believing for the promotion, praying for that family member, but it hasn't happened yet. They never dreamed they'd still be single, still be dealing with the illness, still be trying to get the loan. Now they're tired. 

Paul said this in Galatians: "Don't get weary in well doing." God knew weariness would come or He wouldn't have told us not to get weary.  He said, "Don't be weary in well doing." That means you're doing the right thing but not seeing right results. It doesn't seem like it's making a difference. Let me encourage you that your time is coming. Your due season is on the way. Don't let time talk you out of it. Don't let discouragement cause you to give up. Don't let negative thoughts convince you to settle where you are.

Your mind will give you good excuses. Things like, "I'm too tired to fight this addiction." "I'm too tired to believe for my marriage." "I'm too tired to stretch to the next level. I've been doing it for so long." If you dwell on those thoughts, you will allow weariness in. You'll become more tired, more weary, more discouraged, more negative. Weariness cannot automatically come. You have to open the door. When thoughts tell you, "It's never going to work out; it's been too long," just say, "No thanks, I know my time is coming. I know God is still on the throne. I am strong in the Lord. I've been armed with strength for this battle." Remember, weariness starts in your mind, so don't let those negative seeds take root. Instead, meditate on His Word. Meditate on the fact that you are an overcomer. Feed your faith and move forward in strength and victory!
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