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Strengthened and Nourished Together
By Victoria Osteen - Sep 30, 2016

The other day, I was reading about the beautiful, majestic redwood trees in California. They grow to be over 350 feet tall which is astounding! You would think these trees would have deep root systems to support their height, but in reality, their roots only go down about five and a half feet underground. Their roots don't grow deep, but the root system grows wide and intermingles with the roots from the surrounding trees. The trees find nutrition from one another, and the root systems of the other trees actually hold each other up. No matter what the season, when the wind blows, when the rains come, these trees are supported. In fact, one of the trees in the middle can die, and the strength from the surrounding trees will keep it standing in place.

I believe this is a picture of how God wants His people to be united. He wants us to hold each other up and strengthen and nourish one another spiritually and emotionally. When we are united together, I believe we can withstand any storm of life.

Remember, just like these trees support one another, good relationships are a two-way street. The Bible says to encourage one another daily. That's how you nourish one another. Anytime you need encouragement, the best thing to do is speak encouragement into someone else. Let's support one another, encourage one another, and rise up higher into everything God has in store for us!

"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." (Ephesians 4:16, NIV)
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