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Take Time to Rest
By Victoria Osteen - Sep 13, 2016

I have a friend who has a great husband and three beautiful children. She is a wonderful wife and mother, always investing in family and doing things for them. She told me one day that she always feels so guilty when she takes time away for herself, like when she goes to get her hair or nails done. She said she always feels like she has to rush to get back to tend to her family. She told me one time, "When I'm gone, I just sit in the chair at the salon tapping my feet nervously, counting the minutes. I just can't seem to relax. I feel like I don't have time to take care of myself because there is so much that needs to be done at home."

Do you ever feel guilty about taking time for yourself? The truth is, my friend's husband and children probably want her to get a break. They probably understand that she deserves it, and when she is refreshed, she can be her best.

We all have a life list of "to do's" either written down or in the back of our minds. Don't fall into the trap of forgetting to put yourself on the list. That's not balance, and it's not healthy. You are important, and you need to take time to rest and take care of yourself. Make time to read, play golf or take a walk—even if you have to schedule thirty minutes of "me time" into your daily planner. Whatever it is that refreshes and refocuses you is a good investment of your time.

Remember, God Himself showed us a pattern of working and resting in the book of Genesis. If God worked and then chose to take a day of rest, we certainly all need to stop working and take time to rest, too. Always remember that rest is a gift from God, so take time to receive it today!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29, NIV)
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