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The Glue in Relationships
By Victoria Osteen - May 05, 2015

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21) Every time you say something, you are sowing seeds. When we speak words of encouragement and affirmation, we are planting those words into the hearts of others. When we sow life into our relationships, we reap life in return.

Sometimes it can be easy to take the people closest to us for granted. You might assume that someone knows how you feel; however, a blessing is not a blessing until it is spoken. When you release those words of life and affirmation, they will have a powerful, life-giving effect on the people you love.

Your spouse, your children and the ones you live with day in and day out need to hear your words of approval more than anyone else. Don't take the people God's placed in your life for granted. Have you said "I love you" to your spouse today? Have you told your children how much they mean to you? Are you looking for opportunities to compliment and encourage those who are closest to you? I am convinced that when we put family first, when we take the time and effort to be good to our family members and give them our best, then all other relationships in our lives will improve as well.

In my own family, I can see how encouraging words have bonded our hearts together over the years. Joel and I have learned the importance of sowing life and love into each other daily—not just through our words, but through simple acts of kindness. We always try to find ways to make life easier for each other, and our love grows more and more each year!

Always remember that when you bring out the best in others and help them succeed, then success will come back to you. You are always sowing with your words. So keep encouraging those around you and let that encouragement be the glue that holds your relationships together.

"Encourage one another daily…" (Hebrews 3:13, NIV)

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