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What Impression Are You Creating
By Victoria Osteen - Apr 19, 2016

Thomas Kinkade is known as the Painter of Light, and millions of homes host his beautiful artwork. It's amazing to think about all the people who have been touched and inspired by both his life and his breathtaking images. In the same way, the people around you are inspired by your life and the image you create on the inside of their hearts.

You may not see yourself as an artist like Thomas Kinkade, but the truth is, we are all artists. We all have creative ability because we are made in the image of a creative God, and we create impressions with the words we speak. Words are our brush strokes, and the hearts of others are our canvas. With every word, good or bad, we are leaving a lasting image in the lives of others.

In the natural, a beautiful painting isn't just about the colors, it's about the technique the artist uses to apply the color as well. A skillful artist chooses his brush strokes carefully, and we should also be careful with the delivery of our words so that we can create a positive, encouraging masterpiece on the hearts of our family members, friends and coworkers.

Just like anything else, it takes practice to become a skillful artist with your words, but anyone can do it! Even when you have to bring correction or instruction, you can position your words so that they will be more easily received.

Always remember, whether you're a boss working with an employee, a parent working with a child, or speaking to a friend or spouse, the goal should always be to help others reach a higher level. Choose your words carefully, wrap them in love and affirmation, and create a masterpiece in the hearts of the people in your life!

"The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." (Proverbs 12:18, NIV)
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