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Who Do You Think You Are
By Victoria Osteen - Sep 25, 2015

The other day I was in the line at the store and these two girls were in front of me and their discussion was getting kind of heated. I could tell it wasn't going to end well so I decided to slip out and get into another line. As I walked away, I heard one girl said to the other girl, "Well who do you think YOU are?" I thought to myself, "Oh I wonder how she's going to answer?... I wonder what I would answer if someone asked me that?"

There's a scripture in the Bible that says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. We become what we believe. So who we think we are is really important. Do you think about yourself as a child of the Most High God? Do you think you are the head and not the tail? Do you think you are an overcomer through Christ? Who do you think you are?

I believe God is asking us this same question today. Not because He's upset or pointing a finger but He wants us to be aware of how we see ourselves. He knows that what we think we will become. Don't let wrong thoughts change who you are. You are Gods masterpiece! Set your thoughts in the right direction and your life will go in the right direction!

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV).

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