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A New Level of Victory
By Victoria Osteen - Mar 12, 2013
When you are following God’s plan for your life, it is certain that you will find yourself thrust out of your comfort zone. Perhaps you have an opportunity before you right now that seems intimidating. Maybe you want to start a new career, but you are afraid that you won’t be able to succeed. Or, you want to buy a new home, but your lack of experience as a homeowner is holding you back. While it may be true that you lack experience at something, let me assure you that God does not; and when you rely on Him, He will equip you to excel at whatever you set your hand to. He will always lead you to a new level of victory!

I can remember the feelings I had to overcome when Joel and I first took over as pastors of Lakewood Church. I didn’t have much experience in public speaking, and I dreaded getting up each Sunday and speaking in front of thousands of people. I would find myself uptight all week long. My mind would be racing, full of anxiety and thoughts of doubt and defeat. It was as if there was a line of fear right in front of me that was trying to force me to quit. One day, I finally saw things from a different perspective. I realized that the dread I was feeling was just a symptom of a spirit of fear that was trying to paralyze me. It was threatening to keep me from stepping into a new experience and growing to the next level.

Joel would encourage me repeatedly, "Victoria, we are in this together. If we are going to take this ministry to the next level, we both need to do our part." Even though I recognized it was fear trying to stop me, that didn’t make it any easier. The fear didn’t go away just because I recognized it; I had to recognize something else: God had planted seeds inside of me to enable me to do whatever I needed to do. His grace was upon me, empowering me to fulfill my calling.

The next time I had to step out on that platform, I envisioned myself standing strong against that fear. I kept telling myself that I am equipped, talented and well able. I worked to take captive every negative thought and made it obedient to the Word of God. I also got a picture in my mind of God waiting right there for me on the platform with open arms, giving me the strength and confidence to take that next step. As I did this, I could feel my confidence growing, and I saw myself moving forward, stepping over the line of fear into His loving arms. From then on, every time I approached the platform, I meditated on that scene until the fear was gone. Now each time I step onto the platform to speak, I tell myself, God chose me, He has equipped me, and I am able to do what He says I can do.

Always remember, victory starts in your mind. When you meditate on the truth that God is for you and has a good plan for you, seeds of faith will spring forth, and you will rise up in boldness to a new level of victory.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’" (Isaiah 30:21, NIV)
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