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Power for a Reason
By Victoria Osteen - Jun 12, 2012
Scripture tells us that our words contain the power of life and death. You have the power to speak life into your home and into the people around you, and you were given that power for a reason. The people around you need to hear your words of encouragement. Your words are more meaningful to them than anyone else’s words!

Sometimes we compliment strangers or people we barely know more than we compliment our own family members. Many times, a person will tell a co-worker what a great job they did, but when their own spouse excels, they don’t say a word. We should always make it a priority to compliment and encourage our own family members first.

As a spouse or a family member, recognize your words carry greater weight in the lives of your loved ones. People often compliment Joel after he speaks saying, “Joel, that message was really great. You’ve helped change my life.” Those are meaningful words of encouragement for him, but I have learned that they don’t have as much impact on him as my words of affirmation simply because I’m his spouse. Sometimes, I’ll look over at Joel on a Sunday evening and say, “Joel, you’re always good, but that message was especially great today.”

I know how important it is to recognize his hard work and dedication, so I will often mention a specific point I liked in his message. I can see how that encourages him and lets him know I appreciate his gifts and talents. Even though he may have heard numerous compliments from other people that day, my words take deeper root because God designed it that way.

It’s easy to take the people closest to us for granted. “I don’t need to say anything to them,” you might say. “They know I love them. She knows I think she is beautiful. He knows I think he is a great.” Maybe so, but a blessing is not a blessing until it is spoken. When you release those positive, faith-filled words of affirmation, they will have a positive effect in the lives of the people you love. I am convinced that when we put family first, when we take the time and make the effort to be good to our family members and give them our best, then all the other relationships in our lives will improve as well.

Remember, the people in your inner circle not only want your approval—they need it. Life and death is in the power of your tongue, and the seed you sow will produce a harvest for your own future. Speak words of faith and victory into your loved ones and set yourself up for a harvest of victory in your own future.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21, NIV)
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