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Set Yourself Up for Victory
By Victoria Osteen - May 22, 2012
Anything you want to become good at takes practice. If you want to be good at meditating on His Word, you have to practice it. Just like a great coach takes the time to build up his team and get them thinking in the right direction before the big game, you have to take time every morning to "coach" your thought life, too. You can't just wait to see how the day will unfold; you have to set yourself up for victory.

Winning isn't just about ability; it's about attitude, mindset and internal dialogue. Believe that you are created to win because what you believe about yourself affects your future more than anything else. You have to see yourself as a winner before anyone else will. Fill your thoughts with the truth of God's word which says, "You are more than a conqueror. You are equipped. You are well able to overcome any obstacle you may face."

Maybe it's been challenging to see yourself as a winner up until this point. Perhaps some unfair things happened in your past. Maybe you were wrongfully accused, lost your job, or perhaps someone walked out on you. If you hold on to the past and keep those negative memories in your heart, they will weigh you down and prevent you from becoming all that God intends for you to be. Don't let the words or actions of others stop you from living with purpose and enthusiasm! Nothing from the past can change your value in the eyes of God. Today is a new day, and now is the time to get a fresh, new outlook on life. It's time to clean out those negative memories and forgive those who have wronged you.

Today, take some time to examine your thought life. Are there any negative mindsets that you need to change? Do you see yourself the way God sees you—as valuable and important? Look past whatever you may be feeling about yourself and focus on what God says about you. Remember, you are not here by accident. You are created in the image of Almighty God, and your life is full of purpose. You are God's special treasure. No one can keep you from your destiny, and nothing can disqualify you from your purpose!

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14, NIV)
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