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When the Brook Dries Up
By Joel Osteen - Apr 20, 2012
In 1 Kings 17, God told the prophet Elijah to go to the brook Cherith and ravens would feed him there. So, Elijah went to the brook Cherith and had provision week after week. He didn't have to go get the food. The ravens came to him. Life was good. I'm sure he thought, "It doesn't get any better than this." Just as he was about to get comfortable and settle in, God said, "Alright, Elijah. Now I want you to go to the city of Zarephath. There is a widow who lives there, and she is going to take care of you." In other words, "Elijah, I know you like this job. I've blessed you here, but I've got a new opportunity. I've got a promotion. I want you to take a step of faith." Or, "Elijah, I know you like these friends. They're good people, but it's a new season. I'm going to close that door and bring some new friends into your life."

Elijah could have thought, "That couldn't be God. He's blessed me here. I've seen His favor. I like this brook. I like these ravens. I'm going to stay where I am. I'm going to hold on to the old." But the problem is that the ravens quit coming, and the brook dried up. Why? It was temporary provision. That means God has something better, but we have to let go of the old before we can receive the new. If you don't understand that God has something greater in your future, that He has something amazing in front of you, then you'll try to hold on to the old and keep things the way they used to be. I know people who are trying to live off of temporary provision or trying to keep the same friends they should have been finished with years ago. They are stuck at the same job that was supposed to be a stepping stone, but they were afraid to move forward. Now they're trying to get water from a brook that's all dried up. Don't let that be you! Be willing to make changes. God has new ways to bless you, new ideas, new opportunities, new friendships. If you're going to be successful, you have to continually be willing to make adjustments. Pay attention to what's happening in your life and study what's working and what's not working. Sometimes what once was flourishing, what once had God's favor will start to drag you down. You have to be sensitive enough to realize when a season is over. Don't keep putting time and energy into something that's not going anywhere.

Today, if you see some areas where "the brook has dried up," recognize that God has something better in your future. Listen to the still, small voice inside and be willing to make adjustments. Most of all, keep your eyes on Jesus because He is the Author and Finisher of your faith, and He will lead you and guide you to your next place of provision.
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