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Come Home for the Holidays
By Joel Osteen - Dec 02, 2011
In the scriptures, Jesus tells the story of a young man who took his inheritance early, left home and wasted all of his money partying and living a wild life. He squandered everything he was given, and eventually wound up living in the hog pen. At his lowest moment he thought about home, "Man, even the servants at my father's house live better than I do. Maybe I can at least go back and work for my father. I will arise and go to my father's house."

When the father saw the son a long way off, he was so overjoyed. Scripture tells us that he took off running down the road to meet him. He threw his arms around his son and said to his staff, "Bring the best clothes! Kill the fatted calf! We're going to have a party! My son has come back home!"

The only picture in the Bible of God running is when He is running as a Father to one of His children in need.

Sometimes when we make mistakes, we start listening to the negative voices that say, "You don't deserve anything good. You blew it. Sit on the sidelines of life. There's nothing good in store for you." Friend, don't believe those lies! If you'll dare to do what this young man did and start moving toward your heavenly Father, He will come running toward you with His arms open wide. He's not looking at what you've done wrong today; He's looking at how much He loves you. He's looking at the good things He has in store for you.

Friend, when you make a mistake, the best decision you can make is to do what this young man did and say, "I will arise and go to my Father." Don't run from God, run to Him. Don't listen to the voices that say, "Oh, I can't ask God to help me. I'd be a hypocrite. I knew it was wrong." No, listen to the voice that says, "Come to Me if you are weary. There is a place of rest and safety for you here." That's the voice of your heavenly Father saying come home. Know that He is ready to receive you. He is ready to restore you. He is ready to give you a new beginning when you call upon His holy name.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28, NIV).
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