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Grin and Bear it
By Victoria Osteen - Aug 05, 2011
Have you ever really thought about what the scripture means in First Corinthians 13 when it says that "love bears all things?" This isn't always the easiest thing to do. In fact, it's hardly ever the easiest thing to do. When someone hurts you or is short with you, it's probably tempting to either react with harsh words or just retreat and close down your heart. But if we are going to be all that God has called us to be, if we are going to love others the way He loves us, we have to choose to "bear all things" and believe the best about others the way He believes the best in us.

Just to be clear, this verse is not talking about extreme or abusive situations. Sometimes it's okay to love from a distance. But we have to know that, in general, people are going to disappoint us. They aren't going to meet our expectations. They are going to say the wrong thing sometimes or forget an important date or event. As believers, we are called to act like Jesus. We have to show love and grace the way He does. Love isn't about always agreeing on everything; it's about moving forward in life together.

I like the way former first lady Abigail Adams once explained it. She said that true love is not based on spending every waking moment gazing into each other's eyes, but rather casting our gaze in the same direction. When we maintain strong connections and share the love that God has placed inside each one of us, we'll enjoy the richness that our relationships were meant to bring.

Today, let me encourage you to do your part to overlook offense and believe the best in others. Choose to keep the connections. Be quick to forgive, don't keep score, and have realistic expectations. Remember, the disappointments are only for a season, but our relationships are for a lifetime. As you allow others the freedom to be who God made them to be, you'll enjoy your relationships more, and your journey together will be happy, healthy and whole.
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