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What God Says
By Joel Osteen - Dec 10, 2010
I had a lady tell me one time that she came from a very negative environment. The people who raised her were constantly putting her down. She didn't feel like she measured up. She couldn't seem to keep a good relationship, and never got any good breaks. She finally said, "Joel, my life has been one disappointment after another. I think these people have literally cursed my future." I told her right away, "Before anyone could curse you, God put a blessing on you. It doesn't matter what they said about you. It doesn't matter how they tried to make you feel. The blessing always overrides the curse." Instead of feeding your past with your words, why don't you feed your faith with your words and start saying what God says about you? Start saying, "I'm a child of the Most High God. I am blessed, and I cannot be cursed. I'm wearing my crown of favor. I've been equipped with everything I need to succeed."

When you start speaking what God says about you, toxic thoughts cannot take root. God's Word provides a hedge of protection around your heart and mind. Always remember, you are not who people say you are; you are who God says you are. People may say, "You're never going to be successful." God says, "Everything you touch will prosper and succeed." People may tell you, "You're never going to get well." God says, "I'm restoring health back unto you." Somebody may say, "It looks like your family is never going to get on the right track." God Word says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." People may say, "Your situation looks impossible." God says, "With Me, all things are possible!"

Today, receive what God says about you. Meditate on His truth which sets you free.

Don't allow negative, toxic thoughts to take root in your heart and mine. Instead, declare His promises over your life. Remember, God's thoughts are always for your good, and His Word will last forever!

For all of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding "Yes!" And through Christ, our "Amen" (which means "Yes") ascends to God for His glory (2 Corinthians 1:20, NLT).
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