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Let His Love Empower You
By Victoria Osteen - Oct 07, 2010
A while back, I read about a study that showed how children grow and flourish when they are approved, accepted and valued. But when a child is raised in an environment that is harsh and disapproving, when the child feels they aren't "good enough," it limits and affects self-esteem.

This study revealed that 59% of CEO's are firstborn children, which isn't surprising when you consider how most firstborn children are treated by their parents—everything that child does is so amazing! That first smile, that first word, that first step—each first is seen as the most magnificent event of the year. Even most grandparents marvel at and encourage every move of that firstborn child. The constant recognition builds confidence and security.

Did you know God sees you the same way? Regardless of whether you were the firstborn in your family or not, you are the apple of His eye. He will always treat you like His most valuable child. He applauds you every time you take a step of faith. He's always speaking encouraging words into your heart and saying, "You can rise higher. You can do all things. You can fulfill your destiny."

Let those words sink down into your heart today and allow them to build your confidence. When you receive God's love and encouragement, it will empower you to do more than you ever thought possible. With His love, you can wake up every day with an attitude of faith and expectancy. You don't have to live guilty or condemned; you don't have to feel like you don't measure up. You may have made some mistakes, but just like a parent helps their child when they are learning to walk, God will help you get right back up anytime you fall.

Do your part and instead of dwelling on all you've done wrong, receive His forgiveness and let it empower you to improve. Imagine Him smiling down on you right now. Embrace His love. Remember, you are His most prized possession, the apple of His eye!
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