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His Love Goes Beyond Our Doubts
By Joel Osteen - Jul 28, 2010
One time, I had a lady tell me how she had been an atheist her whole life. She didn't believe in God, wasn't raised in a religious environment, and really didn't give God the time of day. But one morning, her 20-year-old daughter was involved in a serious car accident. This mother rushed to the hospital so stressed and worried. When she arrived, she was told that her daughter probably would not make it. She stayed by her daughter's side day after day and wouldn't leave the hospital. Unfortunately, the doctors told her that the injuries were too great and her daughter had died. The woman drove home and pulled into the garage. While she was still sitting in her car, she screamed out at the top of her lungs, "God, I hate You! I hate You! I hate You!"

Then she said she heard a voice. It was the kindest, most gentle voice she had ever heard. It said, "That was the first time you've ever spoken to Me, and I want to tell you how much I love you."

She told me, "I never believed in God before, but at that moment there was no doubt in my mind that God was real. I felt a peace that I never felt before. I knew I was in the presence of the Creator of the universe." Friend, that was the love of God going beyond this woman's doubt.

We all know that God is moved by our faith. That's the best place to live. But what I'm saying today is that God chases us in our doubt. In those times that we don't understand, when we have questions or feel alone and abandoned, that's when God has a way of showing up and doing something amazing in our life. He reaches out in our times of doubt so that our faith will be restored.

That's just what happened to Thomas in John 20. When Jesus rose from the dead and was in the midst of all those believers, He went looking for Thomas first—the doubter. He said, "Thomas, take a look at My nail-scarred hands." See, Jesus wasn't condemning Thomas; He was proving Himself to him. He was restoring and strengthening Thomas.

Today, no matter what you may be facing, no matter what disappointment you may be struggling with, know that God is still there. He does not condemn you, but He is reaching out His hand of strength and restoration. His love goes way beyond our doubts. Can you open your heart and receive that love today? Why don't you let Him restore your faith and hope? Let Him restore your peace. Let Him refresh the dry and broken place and pour out His abundant blessing on every area of your life.
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