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Broaden Your Thinking
By Victoria Osteen - Jun 03, 2010
There's one thing that's certain in life: change. People change, fashion changes, technology changes, seasons change—that's why it's so important to stay flexible and be willing to adapt in order to embrace the new things God has in store. But some people struggle with change because they think it's difficult or because they feel comfortable where they are. If we aren't careful, we can easily become complacent and coast through life, never really growing or experiencing what we are fully capable of. When we refuse change, we limit our lives. We limit our options, and ultimately, we limit what God can do in our lives.

So many people live narrow lives based on what they've experienced in their past. If no one else in their family went to college, they think they can't either. They let other people define their limits, or they allow their resources or circumstance to define their limits. If that's you today, realize that you are not limited by your past, the economy, or what you have been told you can or can't do. You are only limited by your thinking. No matter what options you may think you have right now, there is always an option you may not be able to see. There's always another way. I like to call it the God option.

Think about the first television sets that came out so many years ago. The picture was in black and white only, yet people thought those television sets were so amazing—they were thrilled with it! When color television was first introduced, many people resisted it. They had grown comfortable with their black and white TVs, and viewing life in gray was good enough for them. Color television was an option they just couldn't see.

You might be seeing your life in black and white today, but God sees your life in full color. He has so much more to add to your life if you will be open to new experiences and new ways of thinking. I encourage you today—be willing to look beyond where you are right now, and be open to what God can do in your life. Let Him expand your thinking because there is always the God option!

With God all things are possible… (Matthew 19:26).
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