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Make Plans to Succeed
By Joel Osteen - May 24, 2010
I know a young couple who really wanted to own their own home. They were just out of school and living in a small apartment. They really couldn't afford much, but they decided to come up with a plan. Every paycheck they would give their tithe, ten percent, to their church, and then they would put another ten percent into a fund toward a down payment on a new home.

They also searched until they found one neighborhood that they really liked. One day, they went to the bank to find out how much the down payment would be for a home in that neighborhood. They did some calculations and discovered it would take about seven or eight years to come up with the amount. But, they were diligent month after month to save what they could. They knew where they were going, what they wanted to accomplish, and how they were going to get there.

Many times on the weekends, they would walk through the new homes that were being built just dreaming and keeping that vision alive. One day as they were walking through this one particular home, they ran into the builder. In fact, he was the main builder for the whole subdivision. He asked them if they were interested in purchasing the home they were looking at. They said, "Well, we would love to, but we can't afford it right now. We're just saving up the money and maybe in six or seven years we'll be able to."

The builder asked how much they had saved up. It was several thousand dollars, but not nearly enough for a typical down payment. Out of the blue he said, "I really want you to have this house, and if you'll put down what you have, I'll finance the rest of it myself." As you can imagine, they were overjoyed! What would have taken years happened in a fraction of the time.

Friend, when you have a plan to pursue the desires God has placed in your heart, He will direct your steps. He'll cause you to be at the right place at the right time. He'll give you supernatural breaks. He'll do exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask, think or imagine.

What are you doing today to bring your dreams to pass? Are you taking steps of faith? Are you getting prepared? Do you have clear direction? Remember, success is intentional. Write your vision and make it clear. Be an "on purpose" person. If you'll go beyond dreaming, beyond setting goals and start making plans to succeed, God promises to direct your steps and lead you into the good plan He has for you!

The hand of the diligent will rule… (Proverbs 12:24, AMP).
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