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Recovering Lost Opportunities
By Victoria Osteen - Oct 22, 2009
When I look back over my life, I can see where I've missed out on some God-given opportunities. Maybe you are saying the same thing. If so, I want to encourage you: Don't live in regret. Don't let lost opportunities make you feel disappointed and discouraged. God is bigger than your lost opportunities. He can still get you where you need to go in life!

Have you ever used one of those GPS directional systems in your car? You set the location where you want to go, and the GPS calculates the best route. You can be driving along and get distracted and completely miss the street where the GPS instructed you to turn, but that doesn't mean you'll never reach your destination. That GPS system will instantly re-calculate the route based on your present location.

God works in a similar way. He is constantly giving us direction, speaking to our hearts, leading us by peace in our spirit; but even when we miss His instructions—and we all do from time to time—He will re-calculate our route and get us back where we need to be!

I love what the apostle Paul said in Philippians, "This one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind I press forward to what is ahead…"What he was saying is that we must turn our thoughts away from where we've been, away from our mistakes, away from our "missed turns" and turn our thoughts in the direction we are headed. We have to keep looking for the new opportunities in our paths.

I encourage you today to get ready because God wants to fulfill the dreams and desires He's placed within your heart! He loves to restore opportunities that once seemed lost forever. And sometimes, He brings those opportunities back in ways you never considered or weren't looking for. It may not always be the way you thought; but if you'll stay open, God will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.
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