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Working the Word
By Victoria Osteen - Oct 06, 2009
If there’s one thing on this planet that I’m sure of, it’s that the Word of God works! His principals are true and He is faithful to His promises! But in order for the Word of God to work in your life, you have to keep working the Word of God.

When you are working something, it simply means you are putting it to use or in operation. See, the Bible shouldn’t just be a decorative book on your shelf or coffee table. It’s not just an accessory to bring to church on Sunday. The Bible is God’s divinely inspired word. That’s why it’s the number one bestseller of all time! His Word never goes out of style, it’s never obsolete, it will never fade away. Think about that for a minute. Think about how technology has changed over the years. You can buy a computer and in a matter of months, it’s outdated. It’s old. But God’s Word never gets old! It’s been around for thousands of years and it’s still relevant today! That’s why it’s so important that we put it to use in our lives.

Hebrews tells us that the Word of God is living and active. It’s a powerful seed and when we plant that seed in the soil of our hearts and then water it with the words of our mouth, we will begin to see it come to pass in our lives. We will begin to see life flow through our beings—our mind, will, and emotions as His Word cleanses our thoughts and attitudes; changing us to be more like Him.

If you need a change in any area of your life, working the Word will make a difference. Make the decision to meditate on His Word every day. Ask Him to direct you and reveal Himself to you. And no matter what else demands your attention, remember: keep working the Word and it will work in your life!
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