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Brighter Days Ahead
By Victoria Osteen - Sep 03, 2009
People ask me all the time, “How can you be so optimistic during such tough economic times?” The answer to that is simple—it’s not over yet! The scripture says that the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn shining brighter and brighter. We may be facing difficulty, but there are brighter days ahead. I choose to focus on where we are going, and that gives me hope and encouragement because I know that the tough times won’t last.

All throughout history, God’s people have faced challenging times. There were plenty of times they didn’t see a way out, but God did. He always makes a way when there seems to be no way. His hands are never tied. He’s not limited by what’s happening in this natural realm, and when we look with our eyes of faith, we will see our future the way God sees it—bright and full of victory!

I love what it says in Psalm 23:4 that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is with us. Notice it says “walk through.” It doesn’t say we are going to pitch a tent and hang out in those hard, dark places. No, it says we are going through; we’re moving forward. Be encouraged because you are going to make it through that difficult time. You are going to come out stronger, wiser, and full of faith and victory.

I encourage you today to get your mind and thoughts focused on moving forward. If you have to, make a sign and put it where you can see it every day. I have a plaque hanging on my backdoor that reminds me of this very thing. In big, black letters it says “Move forward, I will be with you.” Our whole family sees it every time we are coming or going. Those words live with me, and whenever I’m tempted to be discouraged by circumstances, I am reminded to take a step of faith.

Today, I want to remind you that no matter what’s happening around you, keep moving forward. God is with you, and He promises to deliver you. Stand strong in faith and focus on what lies ahead because there are brighter days right out in front of you!
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