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What Are You Embracing?
By Victoria Osteen - Jul 07, 2009
One day, I was in the kitchen at Lakewood Church making some hot tea. Several others were also taking a break, and the place was buzzing with activity. I had my tea in one hand and a spoon in the other, and I was just about to stir when suddenly, I looked up to see my little five-year-old nephew, Christopher, pushing through the crowd and running straight for me. Now although Christopher is less than half my size, he’s as strong as a lion and solid as steel. On top of that, he doesn’t recognize his own strength, so I knew I had to brace myself for what was about to happen. A split second later, Christopher plowed right into me, grabbing me around the legs and squeezing me as tightly as he could! With all the energy he could muster, Christopher was showing me his love, and with all the balance I could muster, I was trying not to spill my hot tea!

As much as I wanted to embrace Christopher at that very moment, my hands were full, so I couldn’t. I had to let go of what was in my hands first. As soon as I placed my cup and spoon on the counter, I was able to wrap my arms around little Christopher and return his embrace. Not only was I able to enjoy Christopher’s love, but I was able to give love back to him. There was an exchange that took place when I let go of what was in my hands.

How often do we go through life holding on to things we think are important when they really are not? Sometimes, we can get so busy and have so much in our hands that we completely miss out on the new things that are right in front of us. Sometimes we have to be willing to put something down in order to embrace something better.

Is there something you are holding on to today, something that you know you need to let go of to make room for what God is trying to do in your life?

Is your schedule overloaded? Are you clinging to a relationship that you know is unhealthy? Are your thoughts consumed with a situation from your past? You might even be holding on to something good, but good things can also keep our hands too full to embrace God’s very best.

I encourage you, as you evaluate what you have in your hands, to be willing to release everything to God. Allow Him to order and direct your steps so you can embrace the very best that He has in store for your life!

To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter…a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 5b AMP).

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