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Dont Fall For the Trap
By Victoria Osteen - May 28, 2009
Have you ever heard about how hunters used to trap monkeys? The hunters would fill a large barrel with bananas and then cut a small hole in the side of it that was just barely big enough for the monkey to slip his hand and arm through. The monkey, completely unaware of the trap, would reach his arm into the barrel and grab one of those bananas. But when he would try to pull his arm out, he would be unable to get his clenched fist and the banana back through the hole. The monkey would be so fixed on that banana that he just wouldn't release it. Consequently, the hunters would easily capture the monkey. It's interesting that at any point prior to the capture, the monkey could have easily released the banana and pulled his hand out of the barrel, but he was so focused on what was in his hand that he didn't even realize he was in a trap! Many people live like that today–with both hands clenched, so focused on trying to hold on to what they have that they don't even realize it's robbing them of the freedom and victory God has in store. Don't let that be you! Choose to release anything that's keeping you from God's best in your life. Don't get trapped because you aren't willing to change or reposition yourself or your thinking. Instead, be open–handed and open–minded to what God is doing in your life today. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us (Hebrews 12:1, NLT).
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