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Storing Up Favor for Future Generations
By Joel Osteen - May 06, 2009

"I can hardly believe that we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Lakewood Church this coming weekend on Mother's Day. Most people know the story of how the church started off in an old, abandoned feed store with less than 100 people. But who would have ever guessed that my parent's hard work and dedication would establish a ministry that has literally affected people all over the world in every country from every race, tribe, and tongue. I can't even begin to imagine how many lives have been touched over the years through the seeds they've sown. What an honor it is for Victoria and me to have picked up the baton and continue the work they started.

You know, my dad used to talk about how one day he was going to build a sanctuary that could hold 20,000 people. He prayed. He sacrificed. He and my mother stayed in faith year after year. When he went to be with the Lord, it looked as if the dream had died. It looked like as if it wasn't going to happen. But when you live a life of faith, when you honor God and go out each day being your best' you are storing up favor for future generations.

Just four years after we took over the church and we needed a new auditorium, God supernaturally opened the door. As we proceeded to acquire the Compaq Center, the building we're in right now' it seemed like we had an anointing of ease. Things just fell into place. Yes, it was work. Yes, there was opposition. But when we needed a break, God gave us favor. When it looked like it was impossible, God supernaturally turned it around. I believe we are where we are today because of the seeds my father and mother sowed so many years ago.

I want to remind you–no matter where you are in life today, whether you feel like you are on top of the mountain or still climbing that steep hill, you are a person of influence. You may feel ordinary some days. You may not see how your dreams are going to come to pass, but you are still making an impact. When you live a life of faith, when you honor God and go out each day living your best, you can be sure that your effort is not in vain. You are leaving a legacy of faith and storing up favor for future generations.

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