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A friend loves at all times… (Proverbs 17:7).
By Joel Osteen - Apr 06, 2009
"Last week' Victoria and I went to New York to do some media interviews promoting the "Night of Hope" at Yankee Stadium on April 25th. In a single day' we were interviewed on Good Morning America' Hannity' and Alan Colmes Radio Show. We also did interviews with several New York area newspapers and radio and TV stations. In every interview that Victoria and I did' we were asked the same question: "How can people cope in these tough economic times?"

My answer was the same every time: While there's so much in the news' in the workplace' and in everyday life that threatens to drag us down or cause us to become depressed and bring strife in our families' we must always remember that we are never alone or abandoned. To those who ask' God will give strength to overcome even in the difficult times. God can help us to have peace in our minds' hearts' and in our families. The Bible says He can cause us to thrive and prosper even when we are going through the desert. All over the world' people are looking for something to believe in' and we know that those who believe and hope in Jesus Christ will never be disappointed.
I wanted to share with you some of the specific points we talked about in the interviews. They are good thoughts to meditate on and to share with your friends and families. If you take these to heart' not only will you be encouraged' but you can be the encourager to others during these challenging times.

1.Keep your hope and trust in the Lord. Remember' ultimately' you are not working unto man' you are working unto God. He will reward you for your faithfulness.

2.God is unlimited! Man can only do so much' but with God all things are possible. He'll open doors for you that no man can shut. He'll make a way where there seems to be no way.

3.Be encouraged' there are good days up ahead! The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn which shines brighter and brighter until the full day.

4.Instead of focusing on how big your problems are' focus on how big your God is. Don't allow worry to steal your joy and energy. Instead' let faith arise in your heart by meditating on the promises of God.

5.No matter where you are in life today' things can change. You change your life by changing your thoughts to line up with the Word of God. Changing your thoughts takes place one thought at a time. Begin today by meditating on God’s promises so you can move forward into the abundant life He has for you."
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