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Serving God By Reaching Out to Others
By Joel Osteen - Mar 30, 2009

Every person has the ability to make a difference in someone else’s life. No matter what difficulty you may be facing, there is always someone you can lend a hand to. There’s always someone who can draw from your strength. I saw on the news recently that many people who now have extra time on their hands are choosing to volunteer at local shelters, children’s homes, and hospitals. These people recognize that no matter how bad off things may seem in their own lives, there’s always someone else in a more difficult situation.

I know that it pleases the heart of God when we reach out to those who are hurting and in need. In fact, Jesus Himself said that whatever you do for those who are in need you are really doing for Him.

This weekend, our ministry joined the C4C Disaster Relief Organization to help with the ongoing clean-up efforts in Galveston, Texas since Hurricane Ike hit last September. Hundreds of volunteers came out to help collect trash and debris and restore one of Galveston’s historic parks. They worked on landscaping, scraped and repainted playground equipment, added wood chips to the play area, and worked to provide a safe place for families to gather. We also hosted a barbeque and outreach at the park with free food and music, offering prayer to encourage and uplift the people in the community. We had all kinds of activities and games for the children, and many lives were touched and changed by the generosity of so many wonderful Lakewood volunteers!

I encourage you today, find someone in whose life you can be a blessing. Maybe you can volunteer in your community or at your church; maybe you can share a meal or an encouraging word with someone you know is in need. Remember, God promises that when you reach out and bless others, He will bless you abundantly in return. Let’s do our part to be a blessing everywhere we go.

…I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these, you did it for Me (Matthew 25:40, NIV).

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