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Your Father’s World
By Joel Osteen - Aug 17, 2018
We knew this very successful man who had built a large business that had offices around the world. His wife of many years had died earlier, and they never had children. He remarried a lady who was quite a bit younger than him. When he was sixty-five, they found out they were pregnant. He couldn’t believe that at his age he was going to have his first child. While he was excited, he was a little conflicted. They were used to traveling the world whenever they wanted, and now they were going to have this new responsibility. When his wife gave birth and the nurse handed him his baby boy, he felt something he’d never felt. He began to weep for joy and was overwhelmed with gratitude. He looked his son in the eyes and said, “I can’t wait to give you my world.” He was so in love with his baby that he took him wherever he went. He was the proudest father you could ever meet.

That’s the way your heavenly Father feels about you. He’s been thinking about you a long time. He didn’t create you to be ordinary, to be average, to just make it through life. He’s lined up amazing opportunities, good breaks, the right people. He’s saying to you, “I can’t wait to give you My world.” His world is big, abundant, full of favor, joy, peace and opportunity. He’s going to take you places you never dreamed, open doors bigger than you’ve imagined, and bring talent out of you that you didn’t know you had. The Scripture says, “It is the Father’s good pleasure to the give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32). It doesn’t say, “Okay, you’re here, and I have to take care of you, but you’re a pain.” No, you’re not a burden to God. You’re not inconveniencing Him. You’re the apple of His eye. He loves showing you favor, doing things that amaze you, making you stand out. He takes pleasure in giving you His world.

The apostle Paul talked in Ephesians about the great love wherewith God loved us. It wasn’t a get-by or don’t-bother-me love. God is madly in love with you. What He has in store is going to boggle your mind. My question is, are you expecting it? He’s not limited by what you don’t have, by how you were raised, by your education. His favor on your life will open doors you couldn’t open and cause you to accomplish more with less talent. His blessing will bring divine connections, people who will use their influence to push you forward. Now get in agreement with God. All through the day say, “Father, thank You that You’re giving me Your world, opening the right doors, and taking me where I could not go on my own.”
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