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A Heart of Wisdom
By Victoria Osteen - Mar 05, 2019
We all want to see our dreams and desires come to pass. Nobody wants to move in the wrong direction with their life. Nobody wants to waste their time doing things that are not important, hanging around the wrong people. We want to be productive. We want our life to represent the good things of God. We want our life to ordered, getting the right things done at the right time. But it’s so easy in the morning to take our phones and begin to look at our text messages, our emails, check out social media, and before we know it, time has gotten away from us. Too often we allow the busyness of life and all our responsibilities to overwhelm and overtake us. I encourage you to not be busy, but to be productive. You can’t just let everything occupy your time and get you off course. Busyness does not equal productivity.

Moses prayed this important prayer: “Teach us to number our days, that we can gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). I can hear the cry of his heart, “God, teach me and show me how to order and prioritize my day.” Remember that Moses was God’s man to lead all the Israelites toward the Promised Land, perhaps two million people. He was responsible to know how to get to the right places and find the answers to their problems. He had to hear from God for them. Perhaps you feel a little bit like Moses. Everybody’s asking you for things, and you need to fix all the problems, bring in the finances, and care for them. You feel overwhelmed. You need to pray Moses’ prayer: “God, teach me to order my day. Teach me to put a priority on the right things, to put what really matters first.”

The answer to Moses’ prayer came one day when Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, observed that Moses was wearing himself out, sitting among the people and trying to resolve their problems from morning to evening. Jethro said, “You need to set up a system of godly men to help you meet the needs of the people. Don’t wear yourself out doing things that others can do. Set your priorities right.” He had to clear the clutter out and rearrange his life priorities.

God wants to help you do the same. He has ideas to make your life easier. You have to pray, “God, give me a heart of wisdom.” It’s about ordering your life so you can see your God-calling come to full fruition, so you can be all that God has called you to be.
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