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By Victoria Osteen - Oct 01, 2019

When Joel's father, John, was in the latter years of his pastoring, I would routinely drive to his house on Sunday mornings and take him to church, and for several years, I styled his hair for the television productions. After I made the commitment to do that every Sunday, I found out that some people didn't think it was very important. They thought I should be doing more in the ministry. That discouraged me at first, but then I made a decision to let that go because deep down in my heart I heard the words, "Just be faithful in the small." What I didn't realize was that something extraordinary was being built into my life. It taught me commitment and gave me an understanding of the ministry life and vision. Through all those years, God was building extraordinary in me so I can do what I do today.

We all want to live an extraordinary life, but do we realize that extraordinary begins with who we are? God says you are His masterpiece, an original creation. You have callings and gifts that are matchless. Only you can do what God has called you to do. Only you were created to be you. You were designed uniquely to be extraordinary and to live an extraordinary life.

Jesus said, "I came that you may have life, and have it in abundance" (John 10:10). He came so that we could live an exceptional life. But too often we take our God-given extraordinary life, and we reduce it down in our thinking and say, "But my life is so routine and ordinary." Yes, all of our lives are filled with routine, but we were designed to produce extraordinary in the routines of life. Within our routines we face all kinds of challenges and difficulties, and those are meant to bring something out of us that is extraordinary. When we press though those challenges day after day, it produces extraordinary lessons and extraordinary character in our life. When you are faithful with what God has placed in your hand and give it your best, you're creating extraordinary.

Stay faithful. God is preparing you. He wants to give you greater opportunities, a greater life and destiny. Live with purpose and get this down in your heart: No matter what you face, on the other side of that difficulty is extraordinary. It is worth putting your best effort into it even when you don't see where the routine is taking you. Then you realize that you have an extraordinary job, an extraordinary family, and an extraordinary life to share with others. You may not see where it's taking you all the time, but it will lead you to extraordinary.
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