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Connecting Your Dots
By Joel Osteen - Jul 24, 2020
On the night before Jesus was crucified, He and His disciples were eating dinner together at what we know as the Last Supper. After spending the last few years with Jesus, seeing Him heal the sick, raise Lazarus from the dead, and feed thousands with a little boy’s lunch, these disciples had just been with Him in His triumphant entry into Jerusalem with people lining the streets and shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel!” It was an experience greater than they ever imagined.

But that evening as they gathered for dinner, the mood quickly changed. Jesus told them how His hour had come and how He was going to be betrayed and crucified. After dinner, He told them, “You don’t realize now what I’m doing, but later you will understand” (John 13:7). In effect, He was telling them, “You’re going to walk through some things in the days to come that you don’t understand. I’m about to be betrayed and taken away. You will feel lonely, confused, and afraid.” He told them right up front that they wouldn’t understand it then, but they would one day. The resurrection morning was coming.

As with these disciples, there will be times in life when you don’t understand what God is doing. A friend walks out of your relationship, or the company downsizes and lets you go. You were being your best, then this pandemic hit, the business went down, the children can’t go to school, and your dreams are put on hold. Sometimes it feels like you’re going backward. It’s easy to live frustrated and think, “God, why is this happening?”

But Jesus never said, “You’re going to understand everything. Let me show you exactly what I’m doing. Study the plan. It all makes sense.” He says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” (Isaiah 55:8). He says, “Walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). He says He is ordering all your steps. He promises that all things work together for your good. You have to trust Him when you don’t understand. Stay in faith when it doesn’t make sense. God is working behind the scenes in your life right now. He can see things that you can’t see. You’re on the verge of seeing Him connect some dots.

This is not the time to be discouraged; this is the time to stir your faith up. If you do this, you’re about to step into a new level of favor, breakthroughs, healing, divine connections. Things you haven’t understood in the past, you’re about to understand. When it all comes together, you’re going to see how it works to your advantage.
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