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The Biggest Identity Thief
By Joel Osteen - Nov 17, 2023

We’re living in a time when there’s more deception than ever. Americans lost $30 billion last year in scams. Every day on our phones, emails, and social media, someone’s trying to deceive us into giving them our personal information. There are financial scams, relationship scams, and property scams. These are professional schemers who know all the tricks.

Can I tell you who the biggest scammer is? Jesus says, “Satan is a liar, and the father of lies. There is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language” (John 8:44). When we get scammed by people, it can cost us money and time and cause stress. But if we let the enemy scam us, it can cost us our destiny. Identity theft is a major problem, but the biggest identity thief is the enemy. He knows you are a child of the Most High God, fearfully and wonderfully made. He sees your crown of favor and robe of righteousness. He works to deceive you into believing lies. He’ll whisper, “You’re not valuable. You’re not attractive. Nobody cares about you. You’ve made too many mistakes. Look at all your flaws and weaknesses.” If you believe those lies, he’ll talk you out of who you are. He’ll steal your identity.

You’re not in a power struggle with the enemy. He was defeated by Jesus on the cross. You’re in a truth struggle. The only power the enemy has over you is the power you give him by believing his lies. That’s why the Scripture says to recognize the enemy’s schemes and strategies. He has two main weapons: deception and lies. He’s very clever, very subtle. He starts with a little thought, a seed of doubt: “Your spouse doesn’t really love you. It’s okay to fudge a little on your taxes. It won’t hurt to do it one time.” The suggestions seem harmless, no big deal; but if you dwell on them, they lead to all kinds of detrimental things.

When the enemy tries to plant thoughts of doubt, fear, or compromise, you have to defeat them with the truth found in God’s Word. Answer the lies with what God says and speak them in faith. “By Jesus’ stripes, I am healed. I will prosper and succeed. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” The enemy can be convincing, but you have the mind of Christ. You have the Spirit of God inside, the Spirit of truth who reveals the enemy’s lies. When you ask God for wisdom and discernment, you’ll hear the still small voice inside alert you to things that are not right for you. You’ll feel a check, an uneasiness in your spirit. God will always give you a warning before you make a mistake. If you guard your mind and heart with God’s truth, you will defeat every lie.

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