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The True Mark of a Champion

Oct 29, 2022

Today's Scripture

Joshua 14:8, NIV
...but my fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear. I, however, followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly

Today's Word

Caleb and Joshua were two of the twelve men sent to spy out the Promised Land. They came back and told all the people of Israel, "We are well able to take the land. Let us go in at once." But the other ten spies spoke only of great fortified cities and giants. The Israelite people were terrified by the negative report, and they turned around, and that generation of people never went into the Promised Land. Imagine how discouraged Caleb was. God put that dream in his heart, but it didn't happen. It looked as though the other people's failure kept him from his destiny. His dream got buried, though it wasn't his fault. But Caleb was a champion and never gave up, going into the Promised Land forty years later.

The true mark of a champion is that even when some dirt gets thrown on a dream, instead of letting it get buried, you keep shaking it off. You keep looking for new ways to move forward, believing for new opportunities.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that other people's mistakes and failures cannot keep me from my destiny. Thank You that whether Your promise is fulfilled in my life today or years from now, You will bring it to pass in Your perfect time. I want to live as a champion for You and keep moving forward. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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