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God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you! These daily inspirations will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord and equip you to be everything God intends you to be.


While You Wait for Change

Jan 10, 2023

Today's Scripture

Isaiah 46:10, NIV

“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.”

Today's Word

What’s upsetting you? What’s keeping you awake at night? God already has it figured out. He knows the end from the beginning. But here’s the key: He doesn’t give us the details. If you knew how everything was going to work out, it wouldn’t take faith. Even though you feel like you’re going backward, if He told you that three months from now a big door is going to open, that there’s a shortcut that’s going to put you ahead, you would relax and say, “Okay, it’s all going to work out.”  

Why don’t you do that now? God has it all planned out. He’s doing things you can’t see. There are good breaks coming, healing, favor, the right people. They’re already on your schedule. If you release control of what is troubling you, you can enjoy your life while you’re waiting for things to change. God is saying, “Release it to me. I’m in control. I’m ordering your steps. I’m working behind the scenes. I’m going to turn it for your good.”

Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that in the midst of a very insecure world that I can rest in the security of knowing that my end has been set, knowing that You always cause me to triumph. I release control of what is bothering me and believe that You are working all things to my advantage. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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