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A Turnaround Season

Feb 25, 2023

Today's Scripture

Zephaniah 3:9, MSG 

In the end I will turn things around for the people.

Today's Word

We all face situations that look as though they’ll never change. It’s easy to get discouraged and accept that it’s never going to work out. But God says He is a turnaround God. He turns Red Seas into dry pathways, He turns five loaves and two fish into dinner for thousands, and He turns skin filled with leprosy into skin as clear as a baby’s. When thoughts tell you, “Your situation is permanent. You’ll never get out of this problem,” get ready. A turnaround is coming. God is about to turn sickness into health, addiction into freedom, lack into abundance, struggle into ease. 

In the Scripture, David went through a lot of unjust opposition, heartbreak, and discouragement, but he said, “God, You have turned my mourning into dancing, my sorrow into joy.” David understood that we serve a turnaround God. We will go through loss, disappointments, and unfair things, but that’s not how our story ends. You’re going to see the hand of God do things that are unusual, uncommon, out of the ordinary. You’re coming into a turnaround season. 

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You are a turnaround God and that You have the power to change what looks as though it will never change. Thank You that the morning is coming, and You will turn mourning into dancing and sorrow into joy. I believe a turnaround season is on the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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