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Energize Your life!

God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you! These daily inspirations will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord and equip you to be everything God intends you to be.


Spoken Blessings

Mar 15, 2023

Today's Scripture

Isaiah 61:1–2, NIV

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me…to proclaim good news to the poor…to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives…to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor.

Today's Word

Words are powerful. They have the ability to set the direction for our lives. When they’re spoken over us by someone who has authority, such as a parent, a coach, or a mentor, they can determine our destiny. The reason some people aren’t reaching their potential is they’ve never had blessings spoken over them. They’ve never had anyone declare what they can become, who God says they are, and how they have seeds of greatness. In today’s Scripture, the prophet Isaiah went around declaring God’s favor, freedom, and victory. He says that all those who would receive this declaration, those who would let these words take root, would see it come to pass. 


Hundreds of years later, Jesus read this same declaration to the people in the synagogue in Nazareth. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to declare…” Jesus declares victory, abundance, healing, and freedom over you. If you receive it, He will put you on a path to greater joy, better health, stronger relationships, to new levels of your destiny.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that the power of Your declared blessing and favor over my life overrides any negative declarations that others have made about me. Thank You that I can receive Your favor, freedom, and victory. I believe You’re setting me on the best path for my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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