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Energize Your life!

Here’s the key: You have to speak it before you see it.


Speak It 

May 13, 2023

Today's Scripture

Joel 3:10, NKJV

“Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’” 

Today's Word

When God breathed His life into you, He put gifts, talents, and potential. You have seeds of greatness. You are destined to leave your mark, to take your family to a new level. The question is not, Are you equipped, are you favored, do you have what it takes? You are fully loaded. The question is, Are you going to speak victory, abundance, new levels? You’re not limited by your circumstances, but you can be limited by your words. 


Here’s the key: You have to speak it before you see it. This is what faith is all about. The Scripture says, “Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’” You may not feel strong, but when you say, “I am strong,” you’re moving toward strength. You may be fighting an illness, but when you say, “I am healthy,” you’re moving toward health. Perhaps you feel stuck in your career, but when you say, “New doors are about to open,” you’re moving toward new levels. If what you’re going to say is not positive, hopeful, faith-filled, zip it up. Speak victory. 

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that my words give life to my faith, and I can use my words to speak and become who You say I am. Thank You that I am not limited by my circumstances. I will say what You say about me and what You promise in Your Word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

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