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Let what God says override the doubt, and believe that it’s still going to happen.


No Limits

Mar 27, 2024

Today's Scripture

Psalm 78:41, NKJV

Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.

Today's Word

When God brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, He told them that they would make it into the Promised Land, but along the way through the wilderness they had delays, setbacks, and opposition. They got discouraged and started complaining. “What are we going to eat? How are we going to survive? The people in the land look like giants. We don’t have a chance.” The whole time, God was whispering, “I’m in control. I have provision for every season. I’ll defeat those enemies for you.” But they let the doubt and what they saw talk them out of what God promised. They limited God, and that generation never went in.

What we do in the face of doubt and negative voices telling us God’s promises are not going to work out will determine whether we see the fullness of our destiny. God allows us to be in situations and puts things in our spirit that are too big for us to work out on our own. Let what God says override the doubt, and believe that it’s still going to happen.

Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You are the Holy One of Israel, and You are not limited by what limits me. Help me to remember that You can do the impossible when I’m tempted to doubt and listen to negative voices. I believe that what You say is still going to happen. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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